The peeling paint, the musty smell, cobwebs and overgrown yard seemed to call out to us. I can just imagine the interesting times they must have had here. Oh, if these walls could talk!
I'm glad my better half is organized for the most part, he keeps the projects to do on track. I have a tendency to get attacked by Mommy brain and forget why I went into a room.
It has been fun planning what to work on next and looking at pictures taken before we moved in has served to remind us what we have done. Sometimes the things done are small and a visitor would have no idea of the time put into certain projects, such as changing the outlet covers, putting blinds up, puttying the holes in the walls or just picking/or cleaning up the yard.
It is very rewarding and fulfilling!
Here's a several more pictures of our casa! Again, the rooms are still under improvement.
Kitchen! Before
Bedroom 2 Before/After
Front room (Still working on this!)
Front office
Pump room!